On this blog:
- Pumped storage plants in India: assessing policies and progress, 20 March 2025.
- Electricity reforms in the economic strategy of Tamil Nadu, 7 March 2025.
- Improving electricity regulation in Tamil Nadu, 9 February 2025.
- The exercise of discretionary powers: The case of debarment and restraint from capital markets, 20 July 2024.
- The usefulness of the CMIE household survey data for electricity research in India, 8 May 2024.
- Concerns about recent developments on SEBI's regulation-making on market rumours and insider trading, 6 May 2024.
- Assessing regulatory capability in Tamil Nadu electricity regulation: Evidence from appeals, 26 April 2024.
- The electricity chokepoint in Tamil Nadu public finance, 26 February 2024.
- Solarisation in agriculture in Tamil Nadu, 15 January 2024.
- Offshore wind in Tamil Nadu: from potential to reality, 13 January 2024.
- Evaluating capital market responses to cybersecurity incidents in Indian listed companies, 10 January 2024.
- Reducing challenges to arbitration awards: lessons from court data, 26 Octobe 2023.
- Lost in Translation: Legislative Drafting and Judicial Discretion, 7 May 2023.
- The place of short selling in the financial markets, 18 April 2023.
- Revising the Information Technology Act, 2000, 4 April 2023.
- Examining grievances and redress for pension products, 19 January 2023.
- Coping with stress: Household borrowing for debt repayment, 11 January 2023.
- Examining grievances and redress for banking products, 28 December 2022.
- Reconsidering SEBI disgorgement, 15 June 2022.
- Consumer Grievance Redress in Indian Financial Markets, 14 May 2022.
- History of disinvestment in India, 21 March 2022.
- Does financial and macro policy explain household investment in gold?, 24 January 2022.
- Distribution of self-reported health in India: The role of income and geography, 30 September 2021.
- What year in the history of an advanced economy is like India today?, 25 August 2021
- An analysis of the SEBI WhatsApp Orders: Some observations on regulation-making and adjudication, 27 May 2021
- Should consumers be restricted from storing their card data on the internet?, 26 May 2021
- Vaccination in India: how will demand change when persons above age 18 are eligible?, 27 April 2021
- Analysing India's KYC Framework: Can We Do Things Better?, 13 April 2021
- Towards better enforcement by regulatory agencies in India, 25 March 2021
- Grievance Redress by Courts in Consumer Finance Disputes, 23 March 2021
- Grievance Redress in the Financial Sector in India: Lessons from the field, 26 Februy 2021
- The problem of minimum public shareholding in public sector enterprises, 18 November 2020
- Get by with a little help from my friends (and shopkeepers): Household borrowing in response to Covid 19 , 16 November 2020
- Response to the Consultation Whitepaper on 'Strategy for National Open Digital Ecosystems (NODEs)', 12 July 2020
- Disinvestment of CPSEs in the last 6 years: Resources raised and change in government equity, 7 July 2020
- Estimating customer complaints using Twitter feeds , 13 May 2020
- Holding their breath: Indian firms in an interruption of revenue, 3 April 2020
- Isolation : A weak link in Indian public health, 29 March 2020
- Applicability of the IBC to public sector enterprises: The case of Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd, 18 February 2020
- Chennai 2015: A novel approach to measuring the impact of a natural disaster, 24 December 2019
- Elements of the low Indian labour force participation rate: The elderly, 31 October 2019
- Household debt over time, 24 May 2019
- The Indian bankruptcy reform: old defaults vs. recent ones, 11 April 2019
- Delays in deposit insurance, 9 April 2019
- Estimates of household debt in India, 29 March 2019
- Disclosures in privacy policies: Does 'notice and consent' work?, 19 February 2019
- A Maximalist Approach to Data from the IBC , 16 January 2019
- Runs on mutual funds, 12 October 2018.
- Discrepancies in the measurement of household saving, 23 July 2018.
- Experimentation that fosters fintech innovation in India, 18 March 2018.
- Loan waivers as fresh start in bankruptcy, 12 March 2018.
- Towards a data protection framework for India, 19 February 2018.
- PenCalc: A tool for simulating pension outcomes, 25 January 2018.
- Estimating the potential number of personal insolvency cases at the DRT, 1 December 2017.
- Don't rush to ban promoters from the IBC process, 17 November 2017.
- Regulating consumer finance: Do disclosures matter? The case of life insurance, 13 November 2017.
- The accountability framework of UIDAI: Concerns and solutions, 20 August 2017.
- Implementing loan waivers: Lessons from the 2008 All India Debt Waiver Scheme experience, 21 July 2017.
- Issues with the regulation of Information Utilities, 12 July 2017.
- Grievance redress and enforcement problems in the Aadhaar legal framework, 5 May 2017.
- Emerging themes around privacy and data protection, 12 April 2017.
- Is Aadhaar grounded in adequate law and regulations?, 22 March 2017.
- The size of personal bank credit in India, 7 March 2017.
- Should we be uploading FIRs on the internet?, 6 January 2017.
- Designing the payout phase of the National Pension System, 8 December 2016.
- SEBI's proposals on advisors and distributors, 22 November 2016.
- Direct participation in the Indian equity market: First estimates of some basic facts, 11 November 2016.
- Towards a privacy framework for India in the age of the internet, 2 November 2016.
- The Diwali effect in Delhi air quality, 28 October 2016.
- Household finance in India: The state of the art, 2016, 16 October 2016.
- Describing Delhi's air quality crisis, 13 October 2016.
- How can financial regulators combat mis-selling? Five solutions, 20 August 2016.
- Banks are unfair in their role as financial advisors / distributors, 13 August 2016.
- Privacy concerns in the Aadhaar Act, 2016, 21 July 2016.
- Survey based measurement of the criminal justice system, 27 May 2016.
- Understanding judicial delays in India: Evidence from Debt Recovery Tribunals, 18 May 2016.
- Analysing the Information Technology Act (2000) from the viewpoint of protection of privacy, 18 March 2016
- Elements for the proposed privacy law, 9 March 2016.
- Protecting citizens from the State: The case for a privacy law, 16 February 2016.
- Draft IRDAI regulations on insurance commissions: Going back to the beginning, 30 January 2016.
- Concerns about compliance with IRDAI regulations by insurance companies, 28 January 2016.
- Personal insolvency: Lessons from the UK and Australia, 28 December 2015.
- Treatment of individual credit in the draft Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 5 December 2015.
- Setting up the ecosystem for personal credit, 21 November 2015.
- What is the cost of one-rank-one-pension?, 7 July 2015
- Voluntary participation in the National Pension System: What does the evidence show?, 16 May 2015.
- Concerns about Atal Pension Yojana, 5 May 2015.
- Policy puzzles of the digital nirvana, 19 December 2014.
- Elections in Maharashtra: Have the fires of nativism subsided?, 18 October 2014.
- How to strengthen the National Pension System, 9 October 2014.
- Consumer protection in Indian finance: Going from ideas to action, 27 August 2014.
- Difficulties with PFRDA's draft Aggregator regulations, 2014, 2 July 2014.
- What ails the police?, 12 May 2013.
- Mis-selling: From impressions to evidence, 30 April 2013.
Dear Renuka Sane, thank you for the article "Estimates of the household debt in Indai", it really hepled me. Do you have an updated % of indebtness (as of 2020-21) per all states (besides infographics)