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Call for papers: Insolvency and bankruptcy reforms in India: 10 years after IBC

10 December, 2024

XKDR Forum is inviting papers for work on Insolvency and bankruptcy reforms in India: 10 years after the IBC. This process is intended to build the successor to the volume Insolvency and Bankruptcy Reforms in India, which was published in 2022. This includes issues such as:

  • Legal developments and changes in the IBC since 2016.
  • Changes in the legal framework relative to design principles.
  • Political economy of insolvency reforms.
  • The consistency, certainty and predictability of judgements and credit contract enforcement.
  • Economic impact of the law in evolution of the Indian credit markets.
  • Economic impact on lender and borrow incentives.
  • Performance of insolvency institutions.
  • Relationship between firm exit and the institutional features of the financial sector, particularly banking regulation and legal frameworks on capital flows.
  • Missing markets - for personal insolvency and collateral markets.
  • The industries of insolvency professionals for insolvency resolution, Liquidation professionals, valuation.
  • The remaining public policy on insolvency and bankruptcy reforms.

The conference welcomes multi-disciplinary research work: economics, law, public policy and practitioner perspectives. The audience for the conference is expected to comprise academics, participants from the legal and financial industry, policy makers from government and regulators.

Program committee

  • Adam Feibelman, University of Tulane
  • Anjali Sharma, TrustBridge Rule of Law Foundation
  • Aparna Ravi, S & R Associates
  • Bhargavi Zaveri-Shah, National University of Singapore
  • Harsh Vardhan, Independent
  • M. S. Sahoo, National Law University, Delhi
  • Rajeswari Sengupta, IGIDR
  • Renuka Sane, TrustBridge Rule of Law Foundation
  • Taeko Suzuki, Nishimura & Asahi
  • Susan Thomas, XKDR Forum
  • Umakanth Varottil, National University of Singapore


  • Paper submission deadline: 20th September 2024.
  • Expected date for notification of acceptance: 25th October 2024.
  • Dates of the conference: 10th December 2024.

Submission process

  • The papers must be sent as PDF files to, with the "Submission for Insolvency and Bankruptcy reforms 2024" in the Subject title. Details about the conference can be seen at
  • Submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
  • 10 papers will be selected for the conference.

Conference location

Venue: MCA Club, Bombay
Accommodation at the conference venue for a night (9th December 2024) will be provided to academic presenters and discussants.

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