Saturday, May 29, 2010

Interesting readings

C. Raja Mohan in The American Interest on India's strategic directions.

A Reuters report on how Pakistanis are responding to the global backlash against Pakistan.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Matt Ridley has some great insights into economic development.

M. K. Venu on corruption in Indian telecom.

Sanjeev Sanyal in the Business Standard on how to think about the role of the university in the city.

When Israel graduated into OECD, it got dropped from the MSCI Emerging Markets index, which helped India gain a bit of weight there.

Economic Opportunities and Gender Differences in Human Capital: Experimental Evidence for India by Robert T. Jensen finds that when the BPO industry brings economic opportunities to women in India, this positively impacts investments in girls - who are more likely to gain body mass and go to school.

The global university and the future of human capital by Andrew Kelly in The American.

Thailand's grief: Thomas Fuller in the New York Times, a set of pictures at, and another one.

How to save the news by James Fallows in the Atlantic magazine: an important article that everyone interested in the future of newspapers should read.

5 Ways Steve Ballmer Can Save Microsoft's Mobile Bacon by Galen Gruman: A careful and thorough guide to Microsoft about how to come back into the mobile phone game.

Robert Samuelson says the story of Greece tells us something about the sustainability of the European-style welfare state. Martin Feldstein has a suggestion for how to achieve fiscal prudence in Europe (and by analogy, in India). Also see Feldstein on the Euro crisis.

Taiwan got their corporate income tax rate down to 17%.


  1. Sanjeev Sanyal's article about a university's role in a city. the perfect example of it is Ann Arbor ,Michigan where the university of Michigan located. university employs about 1/3 of city's population. brought high tech industries and lots more. the city is thriving with its highly talented graduates. the university has done almost everything for city and it is my own observation as being a part of this great institution.

  2. Regarding Microsoft's mobile OS, it's pretty simple: fire Steve Ballmore

  3. I have a question regarding Martin Feldstien's article.

    When California issues municipal bonds, they are sold at varying interest rates that are different from the US treasury rates.

    But when Greece issues bonds the interest rate is the same as the Euro interest rate.

    How is that? Isn't California part of a monetary union just like Greece? Please explain.

  4. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty
    In the 1990s, Paul Romer revolutionized economics. In the aughts, he became rich as a software entrepreneur. Now he’s trying to help the poorest countries grow rich—by convincing them to establish foreign-run “charter cities” within their borders. Romer’s idea is unconventional, even neo-colonial—the best analogy is Britain’s historic lease of Hong Kong. And against all odds, he just might make it happen.

    By Sebastian Mallaby


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